The Writing Life

What a Poem Can Do

This is why I love poetry and love Mark Doty as a writer. The Embrace by Mark Doty   You weren’t well or really ill yet either; just a little tired, your handsomeness tinged by grief or anticipation, which brought to your face a thoughtful, deepening grace.   I didn’t for a moment doubt you…

What Writers Moan About

Two dear friends came over yesterday, both of them writers (successful ones – supporting themselves by writing, teaching and editing) and when I asked what they were working on they started to moan. And when they asked me what I was working on I too moaned. Then Judith acted out a very funny scene of…

Role Models

I believe in role models, friends who inspire you to jump into whatever your heart is pulling you toward, surrounding yourself with people who use all their energy for what they love and believe in and want to create. I know lots of truly wonderful guys – my husband, my brother, my sons-in-law, other writers,…