Writing Advice

Be Present

If you’re feeling stressed right now, have no time to write, here’s all you have to do: Be present.  Spend five minutes writing down what your five senses are picking up. If you’re in chaos, write the chaos.  If you’re excited, write the excitement.  If you’re lonely, write the loneliness.  Not one of you is…

Who Moved My Yoga Mat?

My friend Billy Mernit wrote a great post on his blog, livingromcom.typepad.com a few months ago called “Writing Down Your Now” (July 2006) – about using whatever emotions you’re going through now in your writing. I was thinking about this in yoga class today because someone moved my mat. When I was in the loo,…

The Writing Clinic

Writing A Non-fiction Book Proposal I started a non-fiction book last summer that I pulled out today to start the rewrite. I’ve been to all the publisher’s websites and found they don’t take unsolicited material. They say you need an agent to present your work. I was wondering if you had any ideas about how…

The Writing Clinic

From: J. How do you suggest balancing one’s dedication to hard work on a writing project and self-care? (When I’m really into a writing project, I forget to eat, sleep, take breaks… whereas when I’m not so into it, I find that all I do is take breaks, eat, etc.) Dear J. That’s a hard…

the writing clinic

From Rob: I wrote a letter to my god daughter, now 18 and departing for her senior year retreat, based on her mother’s vague guidelines: memories, support, humor, love. It was well received. My "editors" think a wider audience would appreciate it; I think it lacks the background details and context that a reader would…

the writing clinic

Thanks to the people who sent in questions and problems. (Below are the first three sent in. The rest will be answered next week.) Please send yours in this week too – either click on the comment button below, or send an email. Brooke and I look forward to hearing from you. (click on the title to continue reading)