Writing a Blog

Issues: White Space

You may have noticed that along with sidebar issues, I am now having paragraph issues.  I used to have lovely paragraphs on this blog surrounded by white space that gave you room to breath, and not get overwhelmed with dense thickets of text.  But some peculiar technical thing has happened and no matter how many…

Thank You

Thank you: Sarah, Kate, Becca, Denise, Shivani, Carol, Jo, Elizabeth, Lisa, Nancy, Jenny, Sophia, Mary, Kathy, Loren, Dennis, Harriet, Jean and Wendy.  My husband and I read your eloquent messages under Comments last week and want to thank all of you for your good wishes and for sharing your own stories.  We were so very…

First Year Anniversary

One year ago today, January 14th, 2006, the first post of this blog/website appeared after a lot of debate with my daughter Brooke about why, what, when and how. She was between jobs, loved the challenge of setting up a website, and thought it would be a good way to create a community for writers.…