The Writing Life

Missing My Typewriter

I’ve been in consumer hell all week trying to buy a new computer. This has resulted in calling Dell numerous times and threatening to buy a Mac.  I noticed in their email messages to me I’m now referred to as “customer with issues”. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to think about…

Habits and Horses

Habit is everything. For writing, exercise, for any kind of discipline. I’ve been on vacation – sort of.  A plunge into the domestic side of life. All the boxes from Colorado (see “Stuff” below) arrived in Montana and I became enthralled with rearranging furniture, linen closets, unpacking china, reorganizing the garage, even ironing for God’s…


This past week I’ve been in Colorado packing (as in moving boxes).  I got really into stuff.  What’s needed, what’s not.  What you wrap up and send on to the next house.  What you give away.   What you throw away.  There was a yellow teapot – the only object my husband owned from his paternal…

Lilacs in Montana

I am writing this from a mile high in a small Montana town…(If these words have a familiar ring it’s because Verlyn Klinkenborg started his column Sunday 5/20/07on the op-ed page of the New York Times with the same line, except he was in Wyoming, not Montana.)  The  first thing I noticed when we landed…

Before and After

February 10th:  I’m writing this in a hospital room in San Bernardino, California with my husband, the patient, sitting up in a chair wrapped in blue blankets, alive and on his way to recovery.  This – my husband breathing, his heart beating, sitting up in a chair – is a miracle.  He almost died ten…