Barbara Abercrombie

Friends with Vision

We went to the opening reception for our friend Charlie Kaplan's sculpture exhibit Saturday night.  Little white gloves were handed out so everyone could touch the pieces, which added a whole other dimension of appreciation. We'd seen Charlie's sculptures before of course but never all in the same space, and all that art and talent and…

Mea Culpa

I've had half a dozen really good ideas for this blog during the past week – mostly whan I'm walking Nelson first thing in the morning.  Interesting stuff about writing, lots of inspiration – but you know what? I didn't write any of it down. I thought oh, I'll remember that, I'll write the post…

Stand By Your Work

Here's a excerpt from an email I just got from my friend Carol Perkins who always sends me interesting information and introductions to writers I don't know about: *            *            * Have you read/are you familiar with the Irish writer/journalist Nuala O'Faolain? Her memoirs in particular: "Are You Somebody?", "My Dream of You,"…

Happy New Year!

Guess what's finally finished?! (And has inspired my next book.) Remodeling a house is like writing – you go through long periods of doubt and struggle wondering why you ever thought this project was a good idea in the first place. Any kind of creativity ends up making a huge mess of things in the…

What You Owe Your Readers

My friend Elizabeth just emailed me this:  Quote of the day (NYTimes) from Martin Amis: "He didn't want to please the readers. He wanted to stretch them until they twanged." I love this. Don't try to please your readers, respect them, but don't pander. It's okay to make them nervous and uncomfortable. Let them twang. The…

Thanksgiving Poem

"Thanks" is the poem I'm reading to my class this morning. (I always read a poem at the beginning of every class I teach.)  My thought on poetry is that it either hits you in the heart or doesn't. Poems don't need intellectual understanding – though that can deepen your appreciation of the poem later.…