Ray Bradbury: Inspiration Mainlined


Ray Bradbury was everywhere in L.A. – giving inspiring lectures to writers ("Read an essay every night!" he said, and I started that very evening) He signed his books at book stores all over town – I can't even count how many times I attended his signings or lectures. When he talked to writers it was like mainlining inspiration. And he had such fun! Once I sat behind him at a small theater that was doing a play of one of his works, The Martian Chronicals I think it was, and no one enjoyed the performance more than he did. The last time I saw him was on the corner of Wilshire and Second St. in Santa Monica, outside of Houston's restaurant. It was about a year ago, dark out and there was this fellow, beaming happiness, in a wheelchair and then I heard someone say, "Mr. Bradbury, your driver is here." I turned to my husband and said, "Oh, my God, do you know who that is?" 

How writers will miss him.

"All I can do is teach people to fall in love. My advice to them is, do what you love and love what you do…If I can teach them that, I've done a great job."  – Ray Bradbury

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